If your CV doesn’t mean Customer Value, it has no value

Foto van Wim Hoving

Wim Hoving

Architect ISM-methode
customer value

Creating Customer Value is the only justification of our work. No matter if we are managing, supporting or operational active, more and more we realize that everything we do, should be done with the customer, and with customer value in mind. So your CV (Curriculum Vitae a.k.a. Personal data resume), describing your capabilities and personality, should make clear that customer value is in your veins.

To create Customer Value we should focus on Flow and embrace agile working, and not because it is a hype and not to deny processes. We have to Shift Left, realizing that services are not delivered to but should be co-created with customers. We apply Lean and Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) as a way to execute and enforce Continual Improvement. And we know that organizing our workload forces us to have a proper organized backbone, where your processes support your backlog and ongoing work. And all that in that order.

When creating Customer Value is not really your purpose (mission/vision/strategy), and you cannot explain and prove how your purpose influences your operational handling, you will not succeed in delivering Service Excellence.

Services are the output of operational actions. Service Excellence is the outcome of operational actions, executed by a co-operating team of professionals. Therefore, the role of management is to show leadership and facilitate the operational professionals, so they can focus on their job to create excellent services and customer value.

A good technician without focus on the customer is still a good technician, but not a professional.
A good manager without focus on his team is still a good manager, but not a leader.
A good organization without integration of Purpose, Continual Improvement, organized professionals, Leadership and processes can still be a good organization, but will never be leading in creating Customer Value.

The culture to create customer value depends on the people, both leaders and operational staff, closely working together. They all share the idea that creating Customer Value is the result of an integrated approach to relate purpose, continual improvement, a clear organization, leadership and a firm backbone.

The ideas and solutions in this blog are part of the ISM method. It offers a fully integrated working method for (IT) organizations. A working method at strategic, tactical and operational level. ISM integrates the most practical ideas from ITIL®, Lean, DevOps and OBM into one compact and applicable framework. Like open source the ISM ideas are free and universally applicable. These texts are protected by copyright and may be freely distributed with reference to the source.\

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